Dual education

alaba-300x200What is dual education?

Dual education is an alternative form of education within the system of Vocational education and it is organized partly by Education Institutions and partly by economical agents at their facilities, in order to assure obtaining the needed level of knowledge, skills and competencies.

Dual VET education has the following specific characteristics:

  • It is organized at the initiative of interested Economic Agent, as a potential Employer
  • Assures in-company production training under responsibility of Economic Agent in real work conditions with monthly payment of apprentice salary.
  • Assures participation of Economic Agent in the process of students evaluation and certification.

Responsibility distribution between dual education partners 

  1. a) Economic Agent
  • The company will assure students with a professional training in real work conditions, providing an in-company production trainer and access to the company’s equipment and machinery.
  • Step by step students will take on responsibility on completing tasks
  • Company which conducts Dual education programs, will provide apprentices with a monthly formation wage
  1. b) Educational institution:
  • Assures mostly in class studies
  • Assures free of charge professional education
  • Local administration is financing public Vocational schools (infrastructure, teachers, etc.)

Dual education advantages

For company

  • Apprentices are corresponding to the company’s professional requirements
  • High work place performance level of graduates
  • Qualified specialists which aren’t available on labor market
  • Motivation and loyalty increase, which leads to decrease in work force fluctuation
  • Possibility to select and employ the best candidates after graduation
  • Diminution of risk to employ wrong candidates from outside
  • Time and cost reduction for recruitment process

For the state and local authorities

  • Reduced costs for vocational education due to financing of only part of educational program
  • Lower rate of unemployment in lines of young people
  • A better correlation between labor market and Vocational schools qualifications
  • Economy competitivity increase
  • Less social issues

For youth

  • National wide recognized certificate
  • Practical orientation
  • Early financial independence
  • Qualification and work experience
  • Immediate employment opportunities and carrier growth

Relevance and success of dual education system in Germany (statistical synthesis)


  • Approximately 1.4 mln. of apprentices instructed in more than 300 professions
  • More than 50 % of Germans successfully finalized a dual cooperation program
  • High labor market employment rates: 95% of dual system graduates are successfully employed while for people out of vocational dual education system it is 80%


  • More than 20 % of companies are offering dual education programs
  • Around 500 000 new apprentices are instructed every year

Impact on economy:

  • 600 of state Vocational schools are offering dual education programs, contributing significantly to the economy and society
  • SME (small and medium enterprises) have advanced competitivity on international market
  • Constatation of a lower unemployment rate between young people in Germany (approx. 7%) being a lowest unemployment rate in EU (EU unemployment youth rate is 20 %)

Professional dual formation in Moldova

Up to date situation of dual education in Moldova (2017-2018)

  • 49 companies from Bălți, Fălești, Rezina, Orhei, Chișinău, Hîncești, Nisporeni, Сăușeni, Ștefan-Vodă, Cahul and Ceadîr-Lunga are involved in dual education in collaboration with around 20 Vocational education institutions
  • There are dual formation programs for 21 professions in 9 national economy sectors
  • Approximately 700 students are instructed accordingly to these programs

The role of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Republic of Moldova in Dual Education

As of 14 of December 2016, CCI, Ministry of education and the project “Structural Reform in Vocational Education and Training (VET) in the Republic of Moldova” signed the MEMORANDUM with regards of partnership in view of development of vocational education in dual system of Republic of Moldova, accordingly to which CCI RM has the following responsibilities:

  1. Participates permanently, actively and constructively in the process of revision of the regulatory framework related to vocational education in view of systematic approach of dual education programs.
  2. CCI RM as a representative of business environment assumes corresponding functions and responsibilities of Chamber institution in Dual education, as well as its execution.
  3. Offers upon request institutional structure and required resources for execution of assumed mandate.
  4. Initiates, develops and maintains the permanent dialogue Platform with participation of Dual VET actors.
  5. Grants to the national expert offered by the Project a representative mandate of CCI RM with in the activities/events relevant to the competent area, the chamber participates.
  6. Informs companies about the benefits of Dual education.
  7. Offers assistance to the companies which show interest in implementing Dual education.
  8. Participates in continuous education for production master-instructors for enhancing competences in the professional area as well as for planning, organizing, guiding, monitoring and evaluation of students with in the practical in-company education accordingly to the law in force.
  9. Upon the request of Ministry of Education and Dual VET institutions, participates at the continuous education of master-instructors in educational institutions, involved in dual education programs.
  10. Takes part at elaboration of occupational standards or profiles of professional qualifications and modular curricula based on competency domains of CCI
  11. Takes part at qualification exams with in the dual education, accordingly to the Regulation of organization and progress of qualification exam in dual education.
  12. Keeps all the Dual VET related registers (Register of accredited enterprises, Register of cooperation Agreements, Registers of education contracts, Register of coach- instructors in production, Register of graduates) presenting semestrial updated information to the Ministry of education.

As of 10 of August 2017, the Ordinary Congress V of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of RM, approved operation of modifications in the Statute of Chamber in order to consolidate the Law of republic of Moldova ”Regarding the Chamber of Commerce and Industry” nr.393-XIV from 13.05.1999, with the following functions/attributions: Organizes and keeps the registers regarding dual education- Register of certificated enterprises for development of dual education, Register of Cooperation agreements, Register of graduates, Register of education contracts, Register of coach- instructors in production, Register of evaluators for conformity notice of economical agents regarding organization and development of dual education and operates registration, modifications and eradications in the registers accordingly to own regulations.


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