Online platform

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova / CCI launches a new online service: the platform

Today, when entrepreneurs are concerned about optimizing resources and online transactions are constantly growing, CCI continue to digitize its services. Thus, new platform was developed for the beneficiaries of the Expertise, Evaluation of goods and Certification of origin. These services can be requested online, and CCI specialists will prepare reports and certificates based on documents submitted in electronic format.

The online application service allows the reduction of time and costs, thus avoiding visits to the CCI offices.From completing the application to paying for the service – all operations can be performed exclusively online.

The requested reports can be issued on paper or, at the request of the company, in electronic format with the electronic signature of the CCI. The platform can be accessed from a computer or from a mobile phone.

Video guide for use

Detailed information

Note: The action is supported by Optim project funded by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC and implemented by Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation. in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova.


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