Proiect – Protecting working conditions in the platform economy: Moldovian-Lithuanian social dialogue

logo socialJWCPW is a collaborative project focusing on industrial relations in the platform economy, involving five organizations from Lithuania (Vilnius University – Law Faculty, Tax disputes commission under the Government of the Republic of Lithuania) and the Republic of Moldova (Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, Chamber of Commerce and Industry  of the Republic of Moldova, National Employment Agency of the Republic of Moldova).

Project duration: 11/2023 – 04/2025


With the rise of digital labor platforms and the COVID-19 pandemic accelerating change, the project aims to improve the working conditions and social protections of platform workers. Through analyzing existing frameworks, proposing reforms, and fostering cross-border dialogue, JWCPW seeks to address the challenges faced by platform workers, contributing to a fairer and more inclusive digital labor market.

Note: Funded by European Commission, DG Employment, European Social Fund+ (ESF+), Social Prerogatives and Specific Competencies Lines (SocPL).

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